Linda K. Burton
- We can receive inspiration and revelation in the temple
- "As the temples are prepared for the people, the people have to prepare for the temple," ~ Russell M. Nelson
- To be consistent is to be steady and constant
Jean A. Stevens
- Marriage is not just about the deep love between a man and a woman; it's also about the love of the Lord
- Your choice to believe and live righteously will leave you rich blessings of life
- Every mighty change matters to the Lord
Neill F. Marriott
- Every one of you is valuable and essential in Heavenly Father's plan
- If you want to be a light unto others, you have to glow yourselves
- Temples contain truth and eternal purposes
- Doctrine & Covenants 3:16
President Uchtdorf
- You will forever and always be a Daughter (and Son) of God
- God knows things that we don't
- He is constantly raining down blessings in our lives (*It's our umbrellas that block the raindrops)
- Find peace, uplift others and make a commitment with the covenants
- You are loved and dear to your Heavenly Parents (*Heavenly Father loves you no matter what, even in the midst of darkness)
- He not only loves you for who you are, but for the glory of a person that you are
- Live the Gospel joyfully
I hope while you look through the notes I've written down that you will feel Heavenly Father's love that He has for you... Every one of you.