Sunday, October 5, 2014

184th Semiannual General Conference ~ October 4-5, 2014

This weekend, I got to hear wonderful messages from great speakers at General Conference. I took a lot of notes as usual. Great speakers = powerful and strong messages.


  • Boyd K. Packer
  1. There are 3,000 stakes in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  2. There are 15 million members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  3. We must have the strength of conviction that's found in the strength of an apostle
  • Lynn G. Robbins
  1. Decisions of the character are made by the commandments
  2. "Courage is a virtue at every testing point," ~ C. S. Lewis
  • Cheryl A. Esplin
  1. The sacrament can be a healing and cleansing process
  2. Our wounded souls can be healed, not only because of the sacrament, but also because of the emblems that remind us of our Savior
  • Chi Hong Wong
  1. Every calling is important; we must work together through the Lord
  2. We can help one another
  3. We should be anxiously engaged
  • D. Todd Christofferson
  1. God will not treat us like puppets
  2. We have a principal decision-making role
  3. We can have a trustworthy God
  4. Christ died for us to have the atonement
  5. A world without a living God is like living in a world without truth or justice
  6. Freedom not only comes from resisting it, but applying it
  7. God wants us to be free men and women, enabled to make the right choices
  • Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  1. God cares about you; He will listen and answer your prayers
  2. You need to learn to listen for His voice (Step 1: Search the word of God, Step 2: Consider and ponder fearlessly, Step 3: Ask in the name of Jesus Christ for the manifestation of the truth unto you)
  3. If you want to recognize the truth, you have to use the right instruments
  • Dallin H. Oaks
  1. Love is the very essence of the Gospel
  2. Why is it difficult to love one another? We have to love and live among those who don't share the same beliefs
  3. "He that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention"
  4. Satan is the father of contention, but Christ is the prince of peace
  5. Loving kindness is required, but a follower of Christ is firm on doing so
  6. All of us should banish hateful communications and bring in civilized conversations
  • Neil L. Andersen
  1. Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers
  2. CAUTION:  You won't be much of a help to others if your faith isn't strong enough
  3. Be sure to adjust your own mask before helping others
  4. Joseph Smith lived and died as a man of God
  5. Find scriptures that are helpful to you; read the testimony of Joseph Smith in the Pearl of Great Price or the pamphlet
  6. There will be great and wonderful days ahead
  • Tad R. Callister
  1. What parents can do: teach their children the power of prayer, not the routine of prayer
  2. Pray always that ye may conquer Satan
  • Jorg Klebingat
  1. Stop making excuses or justifying why you're not striving to be obedient
  2. Take responsibility for your own well-being
  3. Use good judgment
  4. Embrace voluntary whole-hearted obedience
  5. "When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad," ~ Abraham Lincoln
  6. Don't expect the world to cheer you on
  7. Become really good at forgiving: Forgive everyone and everything; don't hold grudges
  • Eduardo Gavarret
  1. Say, "Yes, Lord, I will follow thee"
  2. Following the Savior will reward great blessings that you need
  3. Persevere in the decision you've made to follow Christ by exercising faith
  • Jeffrey R. Holland
  1. Christianity is not a political endeavor
  2. Pray for those in need
  3. We are expected to help ourselves before seeking help
  • L. Tom Perry
  1. Don't let the noises of the world overcome or overwhelm the still small voice
  2. The greatest teachings must be done through righteous examples
  • Henry B. Eyring
  1. We don't just need one revelation, but a desire to live righteously
  2. "Whosoever is bound on earth shall be bound in Heaven"
  • Russell M. Nelson
  1. All leaders of the Church are called by God and the prophet
  2. The Lord's ways are NOT man's ways
  3. God reveals all things, including the will for His church, unto the prophets 
  • Carol F. McConkie
  1. Following the prophet is always right, despite what the world says
  2. When we feast upon the words of Christ, we learn to come unto Christ
  3. The Holy Ghost will speak truth in our hearts when we read the scriptures
  • Robert D. Hales
  1. Jesus is the God head, but He separated Himself as an individual and prayed to the Father
  • James J. Hamula
  1. By the power of the resurrection, we will be restored to the presence of God
  2. No unclean thing can dwell in His kingdom
  3. Jesus will make us clean if we have faith in Him
  • President Monson
  1. Decisions determine destiny
  2. "What matter of men ought ye to be? Wherefore even as I am"
  3. To obey is better than to sacrifice
  4. The results of disobedience are captivity and death
  • M. Russell Ballard
  1. Stay at the boat
  2. Always wear a life jacket
  3. Hold on with both hands
  • Richard G. Scott
  1. Despite all the negativity, take the time to actively exercise faith
  • Carlos A. Godoy
  1. Consider the options in mind
  2. Be prepared for the upcoming challenges
  3. Share this vision with loved ones
  • Allan F. Packer
  1. Seeking the kingdom of God leads to joy and happiness
  2. If needed, we must change for the good
  3. "Without our ancestors, we're not perfect. Without us, our ancestors are not perfect," ~ Doctrine & Covenants
  4. Don't fight the change. Embrace it!
  • Hugo E. Martinez
  1. First observe, then serve
  2. Write down your family histories in your journal
  • Larry S. Kacher
  1. There is opposition in all things
  2. There's a divine source that knows all things
  3. Never trifle with sacred things
  • David A. Bednar
  1. Soap = Atonement
  2. Soothing ointment = Taking away guilt
  3. Bandage = Protection in both good and bad times
  • President Monson
  1. Ponder the truths you've heard