Saturday, April 26, 2014

First Week of BYU-Idaho - April 2014

Front Entrance of La Jolla Apartments

The first week of BYU-Idaho turned out great, despite the few changes I had to make. Here's a funny story: I signed up for a Biology Orientation class on Tuesdays and I didn't realize 'til then that I signed up for the wrong class. It didn't have an emphasis that I wanted to study. The emphasis of that class had everything to do with being doctors, such as medicine, optometry, dentistry and veterinary science. Fortunately, I signed up for another section with the emphasis I wanted, which has to do with working in the wild. I'm not sure what the future has for me, but I'm really looking forward to the biology class and I have a thought that it is the major I passionately and strongly want to study.

My roommates are great this semester. A few of them know my roommates from the fall semester. What a small world! I'm currently living in the same apartment, La Jolla, from the fall semester. My room roommate is awesome. She and I have a lot in common. This semester I look forward to getting to know all of my roommates more and the fun that lies ahead.

It hasn't snowed, but it's still cold here in Rexburg. As of right now, it is 41˚F and cloudy. According to the weather forecast, it will be 50˚ later today and raining. That's Rexburg, ID for ya!

Let's see what else new and exciting that is coming this way!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend

Happy Easter, everybody! This is a great time to celebrate the life of Jesus Christ because, think of all the things that He did for us when He was on the Earth. He was baptized by immersion so we could follow His example of being baptized, healed the sick and wounded, taught His doctrine, shared the loaves of bread and pieces of fish with the 5,000 people, and forgave the sinners. He even made a huge sacrifice for us that gave us the atonement. Even today, Jesus has done and does things for us that are in disguise and have impacted us to grow closer to Him and our Heavenly, and inspired us to be like Him.

Easter is also the time to begin a new life. Last Friday, I packed the things I needed for school and drove with my mom to BYU-Idaho. It is very hard for me to be away from my family, but I'm willing to do something that is best for me and my education. Jesus went through the same thing; He didn't want to go through what was about to happen, but He wanted what was best for us because He has a love for us that is so strong it never goes away.

I love this picture of Jesus with the statement, "I never said it would be easy. I only said it would be worth it." My family and I kept this picture for years, and when I was leaving for school, Mom gave it to me so I could always remember that while it's not always easy to do the hard things, it's always worth it to do what is best for us.

I have a strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and I testify that He lives and loves us. He's always there for us as long as we listen. Whenever I remember the stories of Jesus, I just want to be like Him, because He's such a strong example of living righteously. I'm grateful that He's our Savior and I hope to see Him again, face to face, in the next life.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

One With Nature

This week has been the week where I was finding myself surrounded by nature. On Tuesday, I was putting my laundry away and outside the window, something moving was in my peripheral vision and I turned my head to look. To the amazing surprise, I saw a doe. Then another came, and then another. They were wondering around and eating grass in the front yard. I don't know how many times I've seen deer in my yard, but let me say this as I mentioned before, I love seeing deer in my yard because I love being surrounded by nature, especially wildlife. I feel closer to God when I learn to appreciate and accept His greatest creations. There is a purpose for every one of these creations.

Like this tree in my front yard. I took the courage and opportunity to use a chair and climb up to the trunk of the tree. Trees are here for us and the animals so that cats can use them as escape routes from their predators, Tarzan can climb and look for anything from the top, and birds can build their nests and raise their babies and make sure they're safe from any danger. It is an old tree, so I couldn't sit on the branches. But, I enjoyed every minute up there like taking the minute to write in my journal, which only lasted a bit because I had my social skills class that I'd been going to since the beginning of the year. I felt even more surrounded by nature for three reasons. 1) I felt like a kid inside, 2) There were pink blossoms in the branches, 3) It was peaceful, quiet and paradise for me.

This is what I love about the spring season; everything is blooming and I can be closer to nature. That's why I'm a big lover for warm weather. I love to see flowers bloom and the grass and leaves turn green. It is the birth and renewal of Earth.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

184th Semi-Annual LDS General Conference - Sunday Notes


Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  • We are commanded to thank the Lord in all things.
  • Commandments of God are to help us exercise our faith.
  • See gratitude as a disposition, a way of life.
  • Instead of being thankful for things, focus on being thankful in all circumstances.
  • Choose to be like Nephi, whose faith never faltered when his brothers, Laman and Lemuel, rebelled against him.
  • Be like Job.
  • Stand still.
  • Be grateful no matter what.
  • Being grateful in our circumstances means having faith in God.
  • Live in thanksgiving daily, even in unexplainable circumstances.

M. Russell Ballard
  • Instead of calling our church the "Mormon Church," let us remember that we belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
  • Remain steadfast.
  • If we follow up, the Lord will not let us down.
  • Follow up with faith and trust.

Jean A. Stevens
  • Our Father knows us, and hears the pleadings of our hearts.

Gary E. Stevenson
  • Write a list of people (family members, friends, etc.) to help prepare for ordinances.

David A. Bednar
  • Consider the Lord's unique invitation to "take my yoke upon you," (Matthew 11:29).
  • Continue your journey and rejoice.
  • "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." ~ Matthew 11:30
  • You may say nobody understands how it feels to be in pain, but the Son of God does.
  • Pray for the strength to accept, change and endure the circumstances.
  • He will heal, guide and protect us.

President Monson
  • "He who loveth God love his brother also," (1 John 4:21).
  • Show love and kindness to those around you.
  • Blame will hurt more, but forgiveness heals the wounds.
  • Begin now to express love for ALL of God's children - Family members, friends, etc.

Boyd K. Packer
  • Every ordinance is done in the name of Jesus Christ.
  • Choose who to follow.

William R. Walker
  • Stay true to the faith.
  • Never forget that we are led by a prophet of God.

L. Tom Perry
  • Be obedient and follow the Lord's lead.

D. Todd Christofferson
  • God cannot lie.
  • Faith is truly more than imagination.

*Note: I dozed off from the medicine I took for my cold, so I didn't get the chance to listen to the other speakers' talks. But, if you would like to read the talks from General Conference, especially this year, go to

Saturday, April 5, 2014

184th Semi-Annual LDS General Conference - Saturday Session Notes

If you are interested in the LDS General Conference Sessions that take place semi-annually, here are some notes I took during the Saturday session. I will be posting notes for the Sunday session as well.

President Monson
  • Gilbert, AZ temple has been dedicated.
  • When all the temple dedications are done, we will have 170 temples throughout the world.

Jeffrey R. Holland
  • There will be times when you will have to defend your faith.
  • It has been said in the scriptures that Christ would be mocked and scourged by those who hated him.
  • "Hate" is an ugly word.
  • "Love One Another as I have loved you." ~ John 15:12
  • "If ye love me, keep my commandments." ~ John 14:15
  • Forsake transgression.
  • Take heart.
  • Defend your beliefs with courtesy and compassion, but always defend.

Ronald A. Rasband
  • "We are surrounded by those who are in need of our help." ~ President Monson
  • "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." ~ Matthew 25:40
  • "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God." ~ Mosiah 2:17

Carlos H. Amado
  • Christ is "the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Him shall never die."
  • He was the first and only one to return to Earth and have a perfect and eternal body.

Linda S. Reeves
  • Pornography is a serious issue in this world, especially among families and Church members.
  • Learn how to manage your passions and feelings.
  • Counsel with your children with love.
  • Warn them of the dangers of pornography.
  • If you're free from serious sins, don't suffer needlessly.
  • There are addiction recoveries available for spouses and everyone. You're not alone!
  • Turn off your phone if necessary, walk out of a movie that isn't appropriate or comfortable, pray for strength, and confide in a loved one.

Neil L. Andersen
  • Not all whirlwinds come because of choices. Some do because of bad choices, but others on their own.
  • Everyone has their own challenges.
  • Sexual relations are proper only between a man and a woman after they're lawfully and legally married.
  • Families are treasures in Heaven.
  • Some people have redefined marriage, but God hasn't.
  • God has designated marriage, not just to be for personal satisfactions or the fulfillments of adults, but to further the ideal advances for our children, to teach them of our Creator's plans.
  • Stand in Holy Places, and be not moved.
  • Don't let the whirlwinds bring you down.
  • These are your days to be strong.
  • As you live righteously year after year, your experiences will confirm that Jesus is the Christ.
  • He "will not leave you comfortless. He will come to you."

President Eyring
  • Happiness comes through the love and bonds of family.
  • In sacrament meetings, we can renew our covenants to remember Christ.
  • Because of the fall of Adam and Eve, we have trials, temptations and death, but also the gift of having Jesus Christ as our Savior.
  • The Lord acts in His own time.
  • We are all children of the living God. Jesus Christ is His Son.

Russell M. Nelson
  • Faith can move mountains.
  • The word "Religion" can mean different things to everyone, but it actually means "Tied to God."
  • "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
  • Spiritual truth cannot be ignored.
  • Divine commandments cannot be rejected or denied.
  • Striving to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ is a way of life.
  • God's laws must ever be our standards.
  • Even if everyone is doing it, wrong is never right.
  • Immorality is immorality.
  • Have the courage to defend the principles.
  • Let your faith show.

Richard G. Scott
  • Develop faith in Heavenly Father who loves you perfectly.
  • God's purpose is to bring in the immortality of man. * Eternal life = resurrection and living with God.
  • Share principles with those you love to help them press forward.
  • A testimony in Jesus Christ is a powerful tool.
  • Concentrate on the basic principles of Jesus Christ.
  • Study the scriptures diligently.

Robert D. Hales
  • Be careful of who you follow.
  • "Come follow Me."
  • Cherish the words of Heavenly Father.
  • Enter the joy of our Lord.
  • Our Savior is the key to Savior-like attributes.
  • Remain true and faithful.
  • Learn in thy youth to keep the commandments.

Claudio D. Zivic
  • Without God, you can do nothing.

W. Craig Zwick
  • With the power and aid of the Holy Ghost, we can transform hazardous places into holy places.

Quentin L. Cook
  • This is the last dispensation.
  • Temple work and family history centers are not about us, but those on the other side.
  • Let your hearts rejoice and be exceedingly glad.
  • Our precious roots and branches must be nourished.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Week In Mexico

I was really excited to be back in my stomping grounds with my whole family, minus the in-laws. The weather was so nice down in northern Mexico. It was up to 60 degrees and higher. The first Sunday in Mexico, Dad took us to the church services in the Mennonite colony where he comes once in a while to share his LDS beliefs with the Mennonites. We were a little nervous because of how we were dressed even though the Mennonites were a little bit more modern. But, it was a great experience because we had learned that they have some of the same beliefs that we do in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was a huge surprise for my mom that Lexie and Ellie came down to visit on a Monday. Luckily, we three, Bre, Nina and I, knew they were coming because it was meant to be a surprise birthday for Mom. There were lots of other fun things we did as a family down in Mexico.

Ellie and I watched some "Dora The Explorer" videos while her mom was at a health class with our good friend, Susie Schultz. Ellie loves Dora! 

It was Dr. Schultz's first time in the colonies. We took her out riding horses at the ranch.

After we had the opportunity to watch the Women's Conference at the chapel, I saw this sunset. It was so amazing and beautiful, I had to take a picture of it.

It was fun to celebrate Mom's birthday as a family. I'm so glad that she chose to be my mother, even though we have our moments.

Mom really enjoyed the presents she got for her birthday, but the GREATEST present for her was having all of her girls home.

The cake we had was called "Better Than Almost Anything." It was really good and yummy, but over the weekend, almost everyone got sick, myself included. Dad has been calling the cake "Poison" ever since that experience. However, there are numerous reasons we got sick.

Luckily, I was only a little sick the next day and on my way to get feeling better. I had enough strength to travel back to Utah with Bre by flying. Dad drove us all the way to Arizona, where we flew from Tucson to Los Angeles, then to Salt Lake City. We were thankful Bre's boyfriend came by to pick us up. We got to Provo at about 1 a.m. I was happy to be done with traveling and head straight to my bed and sleep as long as I wanted to.

This morning, I woke up to see a white surprise. There was snow! Mother Nature must've decided to do a late April Fool's Prank on the citizens of Provo by sending the snow. Well... that's how Utah is.