Saturday, January 22, 2011

Beautiful to Him

I watched a video on youtube about recapturing beauty this evening and it made me remember that we are created beautiful in God's image and that we should love ourselves for who are regardless of the outside appearance of our bodies. I thought about Stephanie Nielson and what she had to go through after her tragic accident that took place 2 years ago. I could almost feel the pain that she had and I felt very sorry for her but there is one thing that she and I know, she is still the same person that she was before the accident and I know that everyone still loves her for the person that she is to them, including her family. And she is still beautiful.

"I am more than my body." -Stephanie Nielson

Then I listened to this song called "Beautiful to Him" which brings a very good message that everyone needs to hear because the Lord is talking to us as we listen for His voice that brings the love that we need to have in our lives. It brings comfort to me as I listen to it when I'm having a hard time with how I look. I know in my heart that my Heavenly Father loves me because I am His child. He is telling us to forget the negative comments in this world of destruction that have been said to us affecting our Hearts and He wants us to tell ourselves, "I am beautiful because Heavenly Father loves me."
To me, beauty is something to have in our lives because it doesn't just mean that we're beautiful on the outside, we are also beautiful on the inside because we are created with the hearts that God gave us. It's something to judge on someone in positive ways that God would do because there are people who judge our beauty wrong. No matter what we look like, we are always beautiful on the outside and inside of ourselves.
"It's not about your scars. It's all about your heart." -Mindy Gledhill 

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