Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Forgiveness Is A Process, Not A Step

"True Forgiveness isn't a step, it's a process."
~Ashlee Birk~

I was strolling through my facebook today and a friend shared a link to an article on forgiveness. In 2011, a young mother became a widow and it was discovered that her husband was murdered by an angry man whose wife had an affair with him. It was really hard for Ashlee Birk and her kids to go through something like this. When she found out her husband's infidelity, she was full of anger but she prayed for strength to forgive and Heavenly Father's support. After her prayer, she heard the still small voice saying to her, "Be still." She felt peace coming to her mind, spirit and heart.

When she found out her husband was murdered by a lover's spouse, she was angry but she continued praying for the strength to forgive. And she decided to look at the beauty all around her. As of now, she's continuing what she loves to do; being who she truly is on the inside.

Ashlee Birk has been an amazing example of forgiveness. She reached out to her husband's mistress and told her that she hopes all goes well for her and her family, especially her husband who is now serving a 30-year sentence in prison. Because of that amazing experience, Ashlee has been inspired to write a blog about her experiences and her family.

I want to follow Ashlee's example because I'm still in the process of forgiving those who've hurt me with their words and actions in my childhood. I'm gradually learning to let go of the pain and the past because the longer I hold onto those things, the harder it is for me to grow. I'm not sure if I'll ever trust the people who've hurt me in the past, but if I try to act kind and friendly to them, this'll help me a lot. It's very hard to forgive and it's such a long process, but it's possible.

*Below is a link to the article. This is a great story to read and learn from.

1 comment:

Mama J said...

Thank you for sharing this great story. It brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart. We all have forgiveness to work on. YOU are an AWESOME person!!!