Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend

Happy Easter, everybody! This is a great time to celebrate the life of Jesus Christ because, think of all the things that He did for us when He was on the Earth. He was baptized by immersion so we could follow His example of being baptized, healed the sick and wounded, taught His doctrine, shared the loaves of bread and pieces of fish with the 5,000 people, and forgave the sinners. He even made a huge sacrifice for us that gave us the atonement. Even today, Jesus has done and does things for us that are in disguise and have impacted us to grow closer to Him and our Heavenly, and inspired us to be like Him.

Easter is also the time to begin a new life. Last Friday, I packed the things I needed for school and drove with my mom to BYU-Idaho. It is very hard for me to be away from my family, but I'm willing to do something that is best for me and my education. Jesus went through the same thing; He didn't want to go through what was about to happen, but He wanted what was best for us because He has a love for us that is so strong it never goes away.

I love this picture of Jesus with the statement, "I never said it would be easy. I only said it would be worth it." My family and I kept this picture for years, and when I was leaving for school, Mom gave it to me so I could always remember that while it's not always easy to do the hard things, it's always worth it to do what is best for us.

I have a strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and I testify that He lives and loves us. He's always there for us as long as we listen. Whenever I remember the stories of Jesus, I just want to be like Him, because He's such a strong example of living righteously. I'm grateful that He's our Savior and I hope to see Him again, face to face, in the next life.

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