Thursday, May 29, 2014

Religious Freedom ~ Live It, Love It, Preserve It

I know I have mentioned this before, but I would like to share my beliefs on marriage. I only believe in marriage between a man and a woman because it's ordained of God. There are other reasons besides supporting God's laws. I know I couldn't have done things without both my mom and my dad. My mom has taught me how to fulfill my role as a woman, and my dad has taught me how to understand the male perspective. I fight for marriage between a man and a woman because every child deserves a right to be connected to his or her mother and father. I'm fully aware that there are people who've grown up without knowing both of their parents, but it doesn't mean they shouldn't have the right to be connected to them. I know that nothing is possible without God. He has helped me succeed in areas where I needed His aid, support and guidance. If same-sex marriage were allowed in this country, the land of the free and the home of the brave, then those who are following their religious beliefs would be forced to perform wedding ceremonies of same-sex couples. That would be taking away their freedom of religion, therefore violating amendment 1: Freedom of religion. Doesn't that sound unconstitutional?

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