Thursday, July 10, 2014

Finish Strong

Today was one of those crummy days when I didn't feel good about myself. I don't know why, but I think it's from the stress that I've been going through since the beginning of this week. There's this stress from homework, a big paper, waking up early, not exercising enough, walking to and from school in the blazin' hot weather, and getting the semester over with.

Maybe I'm just putting so much pressure on myself where everything has to be perfect and that has been my only focus.

After I ate dinner, I did my first attempt on making brownies. As you can see the baking tray was a little messy, but the brownies were still delicious. I was starting to feel pretty good about things when I was working on them. I felt like I'd forgotten about everything else that don't seem to really matter at the minute. When the brownies came out and tasted really good, I think it was a reminder for me that nobody is perfect. But, we can still do the best we can in things. My parents have taught me well; just finish things strong.

That's what I'll do.

1 comment:

Mama J said...

Nothing like some chocolate to lift the spirits. Great job on your first brownies. They look yummy. Wish I was there to share them with you. :D Sorry you are feeling stressed. Not fun, but glad that you're hanging'll make it, you're awesome & amazing! <3 u