- Boyd K. Packer
- There are 3,000 stakes in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- There are 15 million members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
- We must have the strength of conviction that's found in the strength of an apostle
- Lynn G. Robbins
- Decisions of the character are made by the commandments
- "Courage is a virtue at every testing point," ~ C. S. Lewis
- Cheryl A. Esplin
- The sacrament can be a healing and cleansing process
- Our wounded souls can be healed, not only because of the sacrament, but also because of the emblems that remind us of our Savior
- Chi Hong Wong
- Every calling is important; we must work together through the Lord
- We can help one another
- We should be anxiously engaged
- D. Todd Christofferson
- God will not treat us like puppets
- We have a principal decision-making role
- We can have a trustworthy God
- Christ died for us to have the atonement
- A world without a living God is like living in a world without truth or justice
- Freedom not only comes from resisting it, but applying it
- God wants us to be free men and women, enabled to make the right choices
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
- God cares about you; He will listen and answer your prayers
- You need to learn to listen for His voice (Step 1: Search the word of God, Step 2: Consider and ponder fearlessly, Step 3: Ask in the name of Jesus Christ for the manifestation of the truth unto you)
- If you want to recognize the truth, you have to use the right instruments
- Dallin H. Oaks
- Love is the very essence of the Gospel
- Why is it difficult to love one another? We have to love and live among those who don't share the same beliefs
- "He that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention"
- Satan is the father of contention, but Christ is the prince of peace
- Loving kindness is required, but a follower of Christ is firm on doing so
- All of us should banish hateful communications and bring in civilized conversations
- Neil L. Andersen
- Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers
- CAUTION: You won't be much of a help to others if your faith isn't strong enough
- Be sure to adjust your own mask before helping others
- Joseph Smith lived and died as a man of God
- Find scriptures that are helpful to you; read the testimony of Joseph Smith in the Pearl of Great Price or the pamphlet
- There will be great and wonderful days ahead
- Tad R. Callister
- What parents can do: teach their children the power of prayer, not the routine of prayer
- Pray always that ye may conquer Satan
- Jorg Klebingat
- Stop making excuses or justifying why you're not striving to be obedient
- Take responsibility for your own well-being
- Use good judgment
- Embrace voluntary whole-hearted obedience
- "When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad," ~ Abraham Lincoln
- Don't expect the world to cheer you on
- Become really good at forgiving: Forgive everyone and everything; don't hold grudges
- Eduardo Gavarret
- Say, "Yes, Lord, I will follow thee"
- Following the Savior will reward great blessings that you need
- Persevere in the decision you've made to follow Christ by exercising faith
- Jeffrey R. Holland
- Christianity is not a political endeavor
- Pray for those in need
- We are expected to help ourselves before seeking help
- L. Tom Perry
- Don't let the noises of the world overcome or overwhelm the still small voice
- The greatest teachings must be done through righteous examples
- Henry B. Eyring
- We don't just need one revelation, but a desire to live righteously
- "Whosoever is bound on earth shall be bound in Heaven"
- Russell M. Nelson
- All leaders of the Church are called by God and the prophet
- The Lord's ways are NOT man's ways
- God reveals all things, including the will for His church, unto the prophets
- Carol F. McConkie
- Following the prophet is always right, despite what the world says
- When we feast upon the words of Christ, we learn to come unto Christ
- The Holy Ghost will speak truth in our hearts when we read the scriptures
- Robert D. Hales
- Jesus is the God head, but He separated Himself as an individual and prayed to the Father
- James J. Hamula
- By the power of the resurrection, we will be restored to the presence of God
- No unclean thing can dwell in His kingdom
- Jesus will make us clean if we have faith in Him
- President Monson
- Decisions determine destiny
- "What matter of men ought ye to be? Wherefore even as I am"
- To obey is better than to sacrifice
- The results of disobedience are captivity and death
- M. Russell Ballard
- Stay at the boat
- Always wear a life jacket
- Hold on with both hands
- Richard G. Scott
- Despite all the negativity, take the time to actively exercise faith
- Carlos A. Godoy
- Consider the options in mind
- Be prepared for the upcoming challenges
- Share this vision with loved ones
- Allan F. Packer
- Seeking the kingdom of God leads to joy and happiness
- If needed, we must change for the good
- "Without our ancestors, we're not perfect. Without us, our ancestors are not perfect," ~ Doctrine & Covenants
- Don't fight the change. Embrace it!
- Hugo E. Martinez
- First observe, then serve
- Write down your family histories in your journal
- Larry S. Kacher
- There is opposition in all things
- There's a divine source that knows all things
- Never trifle with sacred things
- David A. Bednar
- Soap = Atonement
- Soothing ointment = Taking away guilt
- Bandage = Protection in both good and bad times
- President Monson
- Ponder the truths you've heard
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