Saturday, April 20, 2013

Back To School

Yesterday, my mom, Nina and I made the journey to Idaho where I would begin my 2nd semester at BYU-Idaho. As you can see, I'm staying at the women's dorms this semester. I was sad to see my mom and my sister leave for home while I have to stay here to go to school. I will miss my family and wish that I were with them every time I think of them, but I have to remember what President Hinckley's father said to him when he was homesick while serving in England, "Forget yourself and go to work."

On this Saturday, rain began to fall. Earlier this afternoon, thunder came. When I was watching a movie with my new friends, I realized that I really love the sound of thunder. Maybe not the intense roaring, but the firmness that I heard. I was thrilled to hear thunder 'cause I hadn't heard it in a long time, not even here in Idaho. I love the sprinkling of rain and the sound of thunder. Somehow it cheers me up and motivates me to keep going.

Monday, April 15, 2013

We Thank Thee, O God

Earlier today, a tragedy took place in Boston. In a marathon that started a day like any other day, a bombing left over 100 people hurt and at least 2 killed. My cousin and her family were there for the marathon and I was shocked to hear what happened but I found myself thankful and relieved after hearing that they were all right and none of them were injured or killed. I realize that angels were with them, including the others who were in the marathon. Though I'm grateful that they were okay, my prayers are with those who lost their lives, especially their families and friends.

Whether we lost our families and friends in the bombing or not, there is always a time to thank our God for the blessings that are still in front of us. And there's always hope.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Important Lessons

My family and I had a great opportunity listening to the talks given by General Authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at General Conference. We watched the sessions on Saturday and Sunday from our TV at our house while the Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson and the other authorities spoke to the 20, 000 people who came to the conference center. During each session, I wrote down important things that I learned while listening to each talk. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share some things with you all!


  • The Savior lives.
  • We will not always be safe from adversaries' influences.
  • The work of the righteous shall be peace. The effect of the righteous shall be quietness.
  • If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.
  • Faith is a great power, not just a special belief.
  • We have mortal bodies and power over those who do not.
  • Separate the sin from the sinner.
  • The atonement is a virtue.
  • All are born with the light of Christ.
  • To live righteously is part of the test of mortality.
  • Each of us must stay in condition to receive the inspiration from God.
  • Build upon a foundation of Jesus Christ in order to withstand earthquakes successfully.
  • "If men build, they cannot fall."
  • The plan is the plan of salvation, the great plan of happiness.
  • Through prayer, we express our gratitude and love for the Lord, and can submit our acceptance of God's will.
  • "Feast upon the words of Christ, for they will tell you all things."
  • "Whate'er thou art, act well thy part."
  • As daughters of God, each of us are in our own different circumstances.
  • "I, the Lord, will do what I say. But when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."
  • Never forget the strengths of women.
  • We must all act well.
  • Mothers are primarily responsible for nurturing their children.
  • Fathers are primarily responsible for honoring their priesthood and exercising righteously.
  • Mothers and fathers are primarily responsible to love one another and work together as equal partners.
  • The Savior wants to forgive.
  • When we repent and seek His forgiveness, we are forgiven.
  • Develop the strength to not see men as they are but as they are to become.
  • "In the day of wrath, I will remember mercy."
  • Remember and believe the words of Christ. Exercise faith in Him.
  • The source of the priesthood is God's power.
  • The authorization/ordination of the priesthood is the laying on of hands.
  • Men and women have different but equal roles.
  • The work of Jesus Christ is accomplished through the priesthood.
  • "Draw near unto me, and I will draw near unto you."
  • "I will go before your face, I will be on your right hand and on your left, and mine angels round about you to bear you up."
  • Pray and serve the Lord.
  • It is He who welcomes us to eternal life.
  • Children can be responsible for improving the Christ-centered home.
  • Little things can lead to BIG things.
  • Satan will try to ruin you by exploiting your goodness.
  • Enhance technology as spiritual communication.
  • Be wise on how you embrace technology.
  • Greater peace will come to you as you come up righteously.
  • The power of the Christ-centered home is what we can offer to the Lord.
  • Be a true friend.
  • Trust in the Lord and His Timing.
  • The thread of hope is not very thin. It is as strong as a life preserver.
  • In the midst of challenges, enjoy the inner peace.
  • The stakes of Zion are a defense.
  • Agency is essential to the plan of happiness.
  • "Peace be unto thy soul, for thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment."
  • To believe in God means to know all of the rules will be fair.
  • The Savior is the author and source of peace.
  • The Church is a refuge where Saints come to obtain peace.
  • It's critically important to do what the Lord wants us to do in His ways.
  • Our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the way, the truth, and the life.
  • In mortality, we experience happiness and sorrows.
  • Neither is the man alone, nor is the woman alone in the Lord.
  • Marriage between a man and a woman is an authorized power that can bring pre-mortal beings to the mortal life.
  • Protect the sanctity of marriage.
  • Intimate relationships are only appropriate between a man and a woman.
  • Heavenly Father desires us to be together and happy.
  • Damned = inability to become like our Heavenly Father.
  • Violating the law of chastity is a grievous sin.
  • "Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly."
  • Consider sin as a spiritual wound that leaves guilt.
  • Consider guilt as a warning of the sin to never repeat it.
  • Obedience to the law of chastity will increase your happiness.
  • If you catch the wave with faith, others will too.
  • Families can be together forever.
  • He (God) wants His children to know Him and Jesus Christ.
  • The Book of Mormon is the center piece of the Restoration.
  • There is no error in the revelations which have been taught.

  • Not only does darkness exist, light also exists.
  • Healing comes when we walk away from the darkness and into the light where there is hope.
  • God's light does exist.
  • It can illuminate the path before us.
  • How we open our eyes to the hope of God's light?
  1. Start where you are.
  2. Turn your heart toward the Lord.
  3. Walk in the light.
  • The darkness will fade because it can't exist in the light.
  • "I am the light of the world. He that follow me shall not walk in darkness."
  • Help each other and joyfully serve the Lord.
  • "No force in the entire world can stop the work of God.
  • Hold up your light that it may shine to the world.
  • Faith will overcome doubt and the Lord will bless you with miracles.
  • Let every man (and woman) choose for himself (or herself).
  • Let's make the internet as sharing our faith with others.
  • In your own way, you can share the Gospel.
  • Children's beliefs are shaped early in their lives.
  • "Speak the thoughts that I shall say into your heart."
  • Faith is the foundation of every virtue that strengthens marriage.
  • Happy marriages rely on the gift of repentance.
  • Humility is the essence of repentance.
  • Live together in love.
  • Cleave = completely devoted to someone you love.
  • Marriage is a gift from God to us.
  • The quality of marriage is what we give to God.
  • Obedience to law is liberty.
  • Free agency is God's greatest gift to man.
  • Satan's role in God's eternal plan is to bring opposition.
  • We are free to choose liberty and eternal life, or captivity and death.
  • The world is constantly changing, but God's laws and promises do not change.
  • Stand firm and steadfast.
  • Truth is knowledge of things as they are, were and are to become.
  • To obey God is better than to sacrifice.
  • Obedience is the first law in Heaven.
  • "Follow thou Me."
  • Three observations: 1) the Father asserts his faith first. Hold fast to what you know and have faith. 2) Do not quest your faith. Know them by your fruits. Everyone is to walk by faith. 3) Do not be afraid to ask for help. God will send help from both sides of the veil to strengthen your faith.
  • Hope on, journey on.
  • Those who love Him will keep His commandments.
  • "As I have loved you, love one another."
  • The heart of the Gospel is a correct understanding of the Lord.
  • Heavenly Father is literally the father of Jesus Christ.
  • The doctrine of Jesus and the Father is the doctrine of an eternal family.
  • Physical abuse brings hatred to our hearts.
  • A child who sings is a happy child.
  • "For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart."
  • It is not enough to know the scriptures, we have to live them.
  • Seeking acceptance from the wrong sources can put us in the wrong place.
  • How to be accepted by the Lord.
  1. Know that our hearts are honest and broken. The heart is the dissenter of our feelings.
  2. Know that our spirits are contrite. Acknowledge your sins and pertain to righteousness.
  3. Make the conscious decision to observe and obey our covenants. We will always have Heavenly Father's spirit as we partake of the sacrament. Be striving to do what's right.
  • Seeking and receiving the guidance of the Lord will help us be successful.
  • "In the world, ye shall have tribulations, but be of good cheer."
  • Need not fear the future or falter hope for God is with us.
  • The Lord will keep us safe in the Church until He comes again.
I believe that these things are true and that God is our Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, is our older brother and Savior of the World.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Heaven Is Here

A week ago on Sunday, March 31, I began reading a well-written and inspiring memoir by one of my heroes, Stephanie Nielson. As I read through the many pages written about her life before and after the near-fatal accident, I finally realized that what she went through was harder than I thought it was for her. Her description of the crash left me imagining the fire if I was in that plane and crashed. It also left me imagining the pain if I was burned over 80 percent and treated mercilessly for my outward appearance.

But I also read about the faith that she had to have for things to be all right and to receive the ability to do things that she was able to do before the accident. Her story almost left me in tears because of her testimony that grew even stronger, her love for her family and the unconditional love from her husband.

On Friday, I ended the book with a warm, happy feeling that God loves us and is aware of our times of joy and sorrow. It has left me inspired to become like Stephanie Nielson, a caring mother and a faithful wife. Though there will always be trials as I grow older, I am willing to do the hard things in order to achieve the goals that I want to achieve.

For those who never heard of Stephanie Nielson, or read her memoir, I encourage you to read her blog, watch her Mormon Message on youtube or, or read her memoir, "Heaven Is Here." This is a woman who enriches her divine role as a wife, mother and daughter of God.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Walking The Bridge

This past semester during my off-track at BYU-Idaho, I've been a part of the PEERS Connection Program for adolescents to gain confidence and independence. For 9 weeks, I was involved at the Scera Theater as part of the program. My last night was this last Wednesday and ended with a positive conclusion. The first few weeks were complicated at first, but through my willingness to open up, my weaknesses were able to improve. My chance for independence grew more likely as it did at BYU-I.

Now that I have finished my volunteer work at Clear Horizons Academy and the Scera, I will spend my time getting ready for my trip to Idaho in a few weeks. But I will also spend the time I have with my family.

Not only has college life helped me cross the bridge to independence but also working as a volunteer has. Somehow I feel like I'm still on that bridge and maybe I am. Who knows? Whether I've crossed that bridge or not, I have become independent so far and proved to myself that I can succeed in life. During my life, I have learned to accept my autism as a strength, not a weakness. It's a truth that autism is a learning disability, but what am I disabled to? I think in pictures and that's my way of learning and succeeding. In my opinion, autism is a learning disability because I can't learn things in other people's ways. I believe that God made me this way because He wants me to accept different things, places and people, even myself as different from others. Though it's still not easy for me to accept my disability, I'm willing to improve on that.