Sunday, April 7, 2013

Heaven Is Here

A week ago on Sunday, March 31, I began reading a well-written and inspiring memoir by one of my heroes, Stephanie Nielson. As I read through the many pages written about her life before and after the near-fatal accident, I finally realized that what she went through was harder than I thought it was for her. Her description of the crash left me imagining the fire if I was in that plane and crashed. It also left me imagining the pain if I was burned over 80 percent and treated mercilessly for my outward appearance.

But I also read about the faith that she had to have for things to be all right and to receive the ability to do things that she was able to do before the accident. Her story almost left me in tears because of her testimony that grew even stronger, her love for her family and the unconditional love from her husband.

On Friday, I ended the book with a warm, happy feeling that God loves us and is aware of our times of joy and sorrow. It has left me inspired to become like Stephanie Nielson, a caring mother and a faithful wife. Though there will always be trials as I grow older, I am willing to do the hard things in order to achieve the goals that I want to achieve.

For those who never heard of Stephanie Nielson, or read her memoir, I encourage you to read her blog, watch her Mormon Message on youtube or, or read her memoir, "Heaven Is Here." This is a woman who enriches her divine role as a wife, mother and daughter of God.

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