Saturday, November 1, 2014

Sunday, October 5, 2014

184th Semiannual General Conference ~ October 4-5, 2014

This weekend, I got to hear wonderful messages from great speakers at General Conference. I took a lot of notes as usual. Great speakers = powerful and strong messages.


  • Boyd K. Packer
  1. There are 3,000 stakes in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  2. There are 15 million members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
  3. We must have the strength of conviction that's found in the strength of an apostle
  • Lynn G. Robbins
  1. Decisions of the character are made by the commandments
  2. "Courage is a virtue at every testing point," ~ C. S. Lewis
  • Cheryl A. Esplin
  1. The sacrament can be a healing and cleansing process
  2. Our wounded souls can be healed, not only because of the sacrament, but also because of the emblems that remind us of our Savior
  • Chi Hong Wong
  1. Every calling is important; we must work together through the Lord
  2. We can help one another
  3. We should be anxiously engaged
  • D. Todd Christofferson
  1. God will not treat us like puppets
  2. We have a principal decision-making role
  3. We can have a trustworthy God
  4. Christ died for us to have the atonement
  5. A world without a living God is like living in a world without truth or justice
  6. Freedom not only comes from resisting it, but applying it
  7. God wants us to be free men and women, enabled to make the right choices
  • Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  1. God cares about you; He will listen and answer your prayers
  2. You need to learn to listen for His voice (Step 1: Search the word of God, Step 2: Consider and ponder fearlessly, Step 3: Ask in the name of Jesus Christ for the manifestation of the truth unto you)
  3. If you want to recognize the truth, you have to use the right instruments
  • Dallin H. Oaks
  1. Love is the very essence of the Gospel
  2. Why is it difficult to love one another? We have to love and live among those who don't share the same beliefs
  3. "He that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who is the father of contention"
  4. Satan is the father of contention, but Christ is the prince of peace
  5. Loving kindness is required, but a follower of Christ is firm on doing so
  6. All of us should banish hateful communications and bring in civilized conversations
  • Neil L. Andersen
  1. Spiritual questions deserve spiritual answers
  2. CAUTION:  You won't be much of a help to others if your faith isn't strong enough
  3. Be sure to adjust your own mask before helping others
  4. Joseph Smith lived and died as a man of God
  5. Find scriptures that are helpful to you; read the testimony of Joseph Smith in the Pearl of Great Price or the pamphlet
  6. There will be great and wonderful days ahead
  • Tad R. Callister
  1. What parents can do: teach their children the power of prayer, not the routine of prayer
  2. Pray always that ye may conquer Satan
  • Jorg Klebingat
  1. Stop making excuses or justifying why you're not striving to be obedient
  2. Take responsibility for your own well-being
  3. Use good judgment
  4. Embrace voluntary whole-hearted obedience
  5. "When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad," ~ Abraham Lincoln
  6. Don't expect the world to cheer you on
  7. Become really good at forgiving: Forgive everyone and everything; don't hold grudges
  • Eduardo Gavarret
  1. Say, "Yes, Lord, I will follow thee"
  2. Following the Savior will reward great blessings that you need
  3. Persevere in the decision you've made to follow Christ by exercising faith
  • Jeffrey R. Holland
  1. Christianity is not a political endeavor
  2. Pray for those in need
  3. We are expected to help ourselves before seeking help
  • L. Tom Perry
  1. Don't let the noises of the world overcome or overwhelm the still small voice
  2. The greatest teachings must be done through righteous examples
  • Henry B. Eyring
  1. We don't just need one revelation, but a desire to live righteously
  2. "Whosoever is bound on earth shall be bound in Heaven"
  • Russell M. Nelson
  1. All leaders of the Church are called by God and the prophet
  2. The Lord's ways are NOT man's ways
  3. God reveals all things, including the will for His church, unto the prophets 
  • Carol F. McConkie
  1. Following the prophet is always right, despite what the world says
  2. When we feast upon the words of Christ, we learn to come unto Christ
  3. The Holy Ghost will speak truth in our hearts when we read the scriptures
  • Robert D. Hales
  1. Jesus is the God head, but He separated Himself as an individual and prayed to the Father
  • James J. Hamula
  1. By the power of the resurrection, we will be restored to the presence of God
  2. No unclean thing can dwell in His kingdom
  3. Jesus will make us clean if we have faith in Him
  • President Monson
  1. Decisions determine destiny
  2. "What matter of men ought ye to be? Wherefore even as I am"
  3. To obey is better than to sacrifice
  4. The results of disobedience are captivity and death
  • M. Russell Ballard
  1. Stay at the boat
  2. Always wear a life jacket
  3. Hold on with both hands
  • Richard G. Scott
  1. Despite all the negativity, take the time to actively exercise faith
  • Carlos A. Godoy
  1. Consider the options in mind
  2. Be prepared for the upcoming challenges
  3. Share this vision with loved ones
  • Allan F. Packer
  1. Seeking the kingdom of God leads to joy and happiness
  2. If needed, we must change for the good
  3. "Without our ancestors, we're not perfect. Without us, our ancestors are not perfect," ~ Doctrine & Covenants
  4. Don't fight the change. Embrace it!
  • Hugo E. Martinez
  1. First observe, then serve
  2. Write down your family histories in your journal
  • Larry S. Kacher
  1. There is opposition in all things
  2. There's a divine source that knows all things
  3. Never trifle with sacred things
  • David A. Bednar
  1. Soap = Atonement
  2. Soothing ointment = Taking away guilt
  3. Bandage = Protection in both good and bad times
  • President Monson
  1. Ponder the truths you've heard

Sunday, September 28, 2014

General Women's Broadcast ~ September 27

Yesterday, I took the opportunity to listen to the speakers at the General Women's Broadcast with my roommates on a cool rainy day. All of the speakers gave great messages that I would like to share.

Linda K. Burton

  • We can receive inspiration and revelation in the temple
  • "As the temples are prepared for the people, the people have to prepare for the temple," ~ Russell M. Nelson
  • To be consistent is to be steady and constant

Jean A. Stevens

  • Marriage is not just about the deep love between a man and a woman; it's also about the love of the Lord
  • Your choice to believe and live righteously will leave you rich blessings of life
  • Every mighty change matters to the Lord

Neill F. Marriott

  • Every one of you is valuable and essential in Heavenly Father's plan
  • If you want to be a light unto others, you have to glow yourselves
  • Temples contain truth and eternal purposes
  • Doctrine & Covenants 3:16

President Uchtdorf

  • You will forever and always be a Daughter (and Son) of God
  • God knows things that we don't
  • He is constantly raining down blessings in our lives (*It's our umbrellas that block the raindrops)
  • Find peace, uplift others and make a commitment with the covenants
  • You are loved and dear to your Heavenly Parents (*Heavenly Father loves you no matter what, even in the midst of darkness)
  • He not only loves you for who you are, but for the glory of a person that you are
  • Live the Gospel joyfully
*The temple is the source of happiness

I hope while you look through the notes I've written down that you will feel Heavenly Father's love that He has for you... Every one of you.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Well, it's back-to-school for me this semester. It will probably be my last semester here at BYU-I because I recently applied to BYU as a transfer student. Two weeks from today, I will find out whether I got in or not. It feels great to be back at school, although I'm anxious to getting my associate's degree taken care of already. Leaves are turning from fresh green to dry yellow and scarlet colors and falling. Fall is coming and so is the cold.

Usually at the start of a new semester, I have new roommates. They are nice and I think they'll be the best roommates I've had. I don't have to be at a new apartment this time. I'm staying at La Jolla, one of the best places to stay for the semester.

The day after school started, it was September 16, a day of independence in Mexico. Cinco de Mayo may sound like Independence Day, but it happened after September 16. To celebrate Día de la Independencia, I cooked some homemade enchiladas and warmed up some refried beans. It was very good and I felt like I was home.

Even though I'm not biologically Mexican, I'm grateful for the people who fought for Mexican Independence so that we can live in peace and harmony, as well as for the Americans who fought for our freedom and independence.

¡Feliz Día de la Independencia! ¡Viva México!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Temple Baptisms

Yesterday evening, I made a proactive decision to go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. The last time I did baptisms was last Thanksgiving with my future-married sis, Breana, at the Timpanogos temple. Long time! There was one opportunity open in Rexburg to do baptisms with my ward, but sadly missed due to me being busy with schoolwork. But, I'm happy about being proactive.

I wasn't the only one to go to the temple. I invited my good friend and neighbor, Jade, to come with me and she was happy I took her. While we were in the temple, we couldn't help but listen to the silence and the peaceful music that was playing inside. We were in a good place. The right place.

Breana and her fianceé finally made a big decision to get married in the Manti temple and I'm happy for them. A good friend of mine once said, "Good choices equal happiness."

As we did baptisms for those who didn't have the opportunity of doing so, I was taken back to the day I was baptized at 8 years old. I didn't get baptized on my birthday as most LDS kids do, but I thought it was the best Christmas present I got. I was baptized and confirmed as a member on Christmas Day.

I'm grateful that I have made the decision because I wanted to be with my family for time and eternity as I still do today. I remember that happy day; after my dad baptized me and confirmed me, I felt clean. Not just physically clean, but spiritually clean. I was happy.

That feeling always comes back to me whenever I do baptisms for the dead in the temple. It helps me to feel closer to my Savior.

As mentioned before, I'm happy that I was proactive on going to the temple. For a person with autism, it's hard to be proactive when I want to do something important, but then I hesitate and become afraid. Although, I practice and try to take that big step. Overcoming my autism is a process for me, including those who have it. It was hard for me when I was little and learning to speak to other people, including strangers. But I gradually overcame my autism through therapy and the support of those who believed in me, such as my family.

Being proactive is hard for me, but isn't it hard for all of us whether we have autism or not?

Monday, August 11, 2014

Robin Williams ~ Rest In Peace

As everyone has heard, we lost a great comedian and actor today, Robin Williams. I was logging into my Facebook recently and I happened to look at someone's status declaring that he just died. I went onto the Internet and found out that he apparently committed suicide. Whether he did or not, it's not worth it to remember him like that. It's more important that we remember and honor him for the laughs that he brought to us and the good things about him.

Since I've mostly seen him in good movies, I'll remember him for "Aladdin, Night at the Museum 1 & 2, Jack, Mrs. Doubtfire, Jumanji, Bicentennial Man, Hook, and Flubber." He played good roles in those films.

While it's a shock about his passing, let's not forget that death is part of life. It may be the ending of an Earthly life, but always a beginning of the next. Robin Williams, we are saddened by your departure from Earth, but we share our gratitude to you for the laughs and joys you brought to the world.

This song is from one of his films, "Bicentennial Man." It's called "Then You Look At Me," sung by Celine Dion. Such a beautiful song! I'd like to make this a tribute to Robin Williams.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Disney and Autism

This morning, Mama J sent me an article from Deseret News that explains how Disney can help people with autism in 10 ways. While reading it, some old memories were brought back. According to the article:

"1. Disney makes you more positive
2. Kids can bond with Disney characters
3. Disney is all about imagination
4. Disney movies don't always have parents
5. Disney can help kids learn
6. Disney can help you learn manners
7. Disney has vibrant characters
8. Disney parks make things easier for those with autism
9. Disney can help with speech skills
10. Disney teaches you not to worry"

I've been a big fan of Disney since I was very little, as long as I can remember. I would spend a lot of time everyday watching the movies and TV shows on Disney. For me, it was like being transported into another world where there is adventure, happiness, laughter, fun and love. Because of my autism, I think watching Disney and other kids' shows were part of the reason I overcame it... And became the person I am today.

While there may not be a cure for it today or in the future, the only thing we can do for those with autism are to love them, teach them and help them overcome their autism. That's what my parents, sisters, teachers and friends did for me. They did it in ways that have been helping me advance. I think of it as the best therapy after all.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Baby Chaffin

Say 'Hello' to my new nephew, Tanner Clyde Chaffin. We are so blessed and thankful to have this beautiful bundle of joy in our lives.

 It's hard to raise a baby and be a parent for this little guy, but I'm positive that Nina and Andrew will be great parents. They love him so much!

Breana, Mama J, José and I feel lucky that we got to hold him on our visit at the hospital the day he was born. We just have to wait for Lexie, her family, and Grandpa Jones to come and have their turns to hold him. Small, but CUTE!

Congratulations, Nina and Andrew on the new baby!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Great Things Come To Pass

"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass," (Alma 37:6). Good things have happened since my 4th semester at BYU-Idaho has ended this past Wednesday. I've made a list of them.

  1. Yesterday, a miracle happened. While I was traveling home on the bus, it broke down before we even reached the Utah sign. It was unexpected because I only planned on coming home for summer vacation. The driver pulled over once and examined the bus, only to find nothing wrong with it. Nobody had any idea what happened. The driver called the mechanic and was assured that the replacement bus would be on its way and was encouraged to keep on going for at least 20 miles. He followed that counsel. We were then asked to pray for the bus to function well and safe arrivals to our destinations. I was one of those who prayed and our prayers were answered. After we passed the Utah sign, the bus started working again. We were blessed!
  2. This morning, we welcomed a beautiful baby boy to the Jones family. There's no name for him yet as the new parents are still deciding. Nina went to the hospital last night after she was given the signal that it was time. Mom went with her and Andrew to the hospital and was up all night with them. The labor was painful for Nina, but the delivery was successful and the baby made it safe and sound, including his mama. We are so thankful for his arrival and that he could be a part of this family. I don't have pictures yet, but I will take them and post them when I have the chance.
  3. I received a tender mercy of the Lord on Thursday, besides the bus incident. I didn't pass my final for my science foundations class, but my grade is still a solid C. I have passed all of my other classes and I'm proud of myself. I may not have passed the science tests or been able to complete or pass all of the assignments for my class, but I know that I've done the best I could and passed. It's not just getting the right answers for the assignments that matters the most, it's also the amount of effort that we put forth in the hard things.
Life is neither easy nor perfect for everyone, not even me. But, I can have a good, happy life depending on the choices I make. I have a family who is loving, supportive and respectful; friends who I can look up to for guidance to making right choices and want me to feel included in the things we do; a home with a roof over my head; clothes and shoes to wear; food and water to eat and drink; and the Gospel. These are the important things in my life, plus many others that I could think of.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Finish Strong

Today was one of those crummy days when I didn't feel good about myself. I don't know why, but I think it's from the stress that I've been going through since the beginning of this week. There's this stress from homework, a big paper, waking up early, not exercising enough, walking to and from school in the blazin' hot weather, and getting the semester over with.

Maybe I'm just putting so much pressure on myself where everything has to be perfect and that has been my only focus.

After I ate dinner, I did my first attempt on making brownies. As you can see the baking tray was a little messy, but the brownies were still delicious. I was starting to feel pretty good about things when I was working on them. I felt like I'd forgotten about everything else that don't seem to really matter at the minute. When the brownies came out and tasted really good, I think it was a reminder for me that nobody is perfect. But, we can still do the best we can in things. My parents have taught me well; just finish things strong.

That's what I'll do.

Friday, June 27, 2014

The Atonement

I'm grateful every day for the gift of the Atonement. I say it in my prayers every day and night. Before Christ died on the cross, He asked His Father to forgive the people who persecuted, betrayed and rejected Him, and the soldiers who whipped Him, spat on Him, and nailed Him to the cross "for they knew not what they do." We were given the Atonement so that we could start over and begin individually as a new person.

I'm not a perfect being like God is. No one on this Earth is perfect. We all make mistakes. But, it doesn't mean that God loves us less. I don't believe in that. He is merciful, loving, peaceful, kind, patient, forgiving, compassionate and listening. He knows us and our hearts. Making mistakes also doesn't define who we are. Only our hearts do.

While we make mistakes every day, shouldn't we continually strive to do what is right and good to all men despite the circumstances?

I've learned that lesson from my own experiences and mistakes. I sometimes wish I never made those mistakes because I feel guilty and ashamed of myself. But, I've learned that I'm still a child of God because He created me. He knows who I am and my heart. He knows everyone else's hearts as well. We're not perfect, but not less.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

¡Feliz Día del Padre!

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful fathers everywhere! I'd especially like to wish Happy Father's Day to my daddy, who was there for me, my sisters and everybody when we needed him. He's protected us... provided for us... and loved us. He still does today! I'm so grateful for him, the Priesthood, and the great father he has been to us since we were born. He's been an amazing man, a loving father and a great husband. The song below is called "My Little Girl," by Tim McGraw.

I love you, Daddy. I'm thankful to have you in my life. You've been a blessing to me as you still are. :')

You baptized every one of us so we could become members of the LDS Church and be sealed to the family for time and eternity.

You've been faithful to Mom and treated her like a queen.

You wanted to spend every minute with us, even in the hottest places we've been to as a family.

You came to our graduations to support us and show us how proud you are of us for the hard work and effort we put forth in our goals.

You taught us how to love and care for others.

Even when you were hurt, you still came for us.

You've taken us horse-back riding since we were little.

For a long time, Dad, you've kept us together and you still are today. Through your love, support, commitment, and the Priesthood you've been holding for years, you always will keep us together no matter what happens in the future.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

I Am Who I Am

Who am I, really? My full name is Micaela Jones, but others know me better as Caela and I like it that way. What is good and special about me that everyone should know, besides my autism?

I am kind.

I am adventurous.

I can make people laugh.

I'm athletic and I love basketball.

I'm a writer and an artist.

I'm very friendly and a good friend.

I do my homework early and get it done on time.

I'm very patient.

I'm a skilled archer.

I love to read good books.

I'm a good aunt.

I'm a smart student and hard worker.

A wonderful sister.

My parents are proud of me for doing my best in things.

I'm a beautiful young woman.

I am the luckiest girl in the world.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Religious Freedom ~ Live It, Love It, Preserve It

I know I have mentioned this before, but I would like to share my beliefs on marriage. I only believe in marriage between a man and a woman because it's ordained of God. There are other reasons besides supporting God's laws. I know I couldn't have done things without both my mom and my dad. My mom has taught me how to fulfill my role as a woman, and my dad has taught me how to understand the male perspective. I fight for marriage between a man and a woman because every child deserves a right to be connected to his or her mother and father. I'm fully aware that there are people who've grown up without knowing both of their parents, but it doesn't mean they shouldn't have the right to be connected to them. I know that nothing is possible without God. He has helped me succeed in areas where I needed His aid, support and guidance. If same-sex marriage were allowed in this country, the land of the free and the home of the brave, then those who are following their religious beliefs would be forced to perform wedding ceremonies of same-sex couples. That would be taking away their freedom of religion, therefore violating amendment 1: Freedom of religion. Doesn't that sound unconstitutional?

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day ~ Honor

I'm very grateful this day to honor my grandpaw, David W. Meyer, for his services in World War II and his 91st birthday today. I feel blessed to have him in the family and my life because he has such a strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, remained faithful to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and dedicated his life to serving his family and the country.

I love my grandpaw. I love spending time with him listening to his life stories in the war and watching fun old movies that he's loved watching since he was young.

Memorial Day is a great day to remember and honor those who've gone before us and served us in the wars from the past.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Role of Women

I am a girl, woman and female.

I am feminine and a lady.

I was born a girl, have always been and will be for eternity.

It is my duty to fulfill my role as a maiden, a wife, a mother, and a daughter of my mortal and 

heavenly parents.

This is my life.

This is my role as a woman.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Mormons and Gays

"The experience of same-sex attraction is a complex reality for many people. The attraction itself is not a sin, but acting on it is. Even though individuals do not choose to have such attractions, they do choose how to respond to them. With love and understanding, the Church reaches out to all God’s children, including our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters."

~Mormons and Gays~

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I don't support or believe in same-sex marriage, but this doesn't mean that I don't like same-sex couples. I recognize them as human beings as well as everyone else. I believe they should have the right to employment, voting, civil unions and insurance, but not marriage. Marriage has always been a union between a man and a woman since Adam and Eve.  This is the one and only definition that God has ever made and I am sticking with it. Every child deserves a right to be connected to his or her mother and father.

For more information, go to:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bullying: Stop It ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf

"When we feel hurt, angry, or envious, it is quite easy to judge people. This topic could actually be taught in a two-word sermon. When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm, please apply the following: STOP IT!"

~Dieter F. Uchtdorf~

I feel very inspired and touched to follow President Uchtdorf's counsel on what we should do when we're tempted to hold grudges or judge other people in a way that isn't Christlike. I've gone through times where I've been treated unfairly, hurtfully teased and judged unwisely when I was younger. I still do sometimes. No matter how old I get or where I go, I will always deal with people who aren't very nice to me. But, I don't have to be like them; I don't have to seek revenge; I don't need to be mean; I don't need to be angry; and I don't need to be judgmental. I don't want to be like that. I am not the kind of person who is mean, bitter, envious or cold-hearted. I won't deny it, there were times when I did do things out of anger, but I can learn from my mistakes, and I have.

It hurts me to go through pain where people aren't treating me fairly, or to see other people go through the same thing. It really does. It breaks my heart, but it doesn't help me when I'm angry or bitter. It just makes me feel weak. The only thing I can do to make myself stronger is to be Christlike.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

¡Feliz Día de la Madre!

Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing mothers we have in the world! I would like to bear my testimony that I'm grateful to have a loving Heavenly Mother and a mother whom I've lived with my entire life. I believe that motherhood is an eternal partnership with God.

Mom, I'm so thankful to have you in my life. Everyday, you inspire me so much to be like you; a righteous, loving, compassionate, humorous, firm, patient and faithful woman. I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. You're my teacher, my best friend, and my mom.

Lexie, you have been a great mom to Ellie ever since she was born. Even though it hasn't been easy, you've gotten stronger and become the loving mother you always wanted to be since you were little. I've seen it and you're doing an amazing job!

Nina, in two months you will become a mom after your little one comes into the world. It won't be easy, but I know you can do it. You will be a great mom to your kids.